New Student Orientation Spring 2025
Congratulations on your decision to enroll in Air Force ROTC at Baylor University, or one of our cross-town schools. The Cadre and Cadets of Detachment 810 look forward to working with you as you train to become a future officer in the United States Air Force or United States Space Force.
Det 810's new student orientation program is called Pre-Flight, and will be held Mid-January, 2025 for our 2nd Semester Freshmen (Dates and new "Welcome Packet" coming soon). This event is optional, but highly encouraged to get you in-processed into the program and to get you off to a great start. During Pre-Flight, we will take care of some of the basic paperwork as well as have you participate in a variety of cadet led activities to get you acclimated to the University and Detachment, as well as to meet some of the cadets of Det 810.
The documents below will give you an overview of what you will need to bring to Pre-Flight, as well as some information about the event and general knowledge that you'll need to know as a cadet. The documents that are listed will need to be reviewed by Cadre to in-process you into the program, regardless of if you attend Pre-Flight or not. If you do not in-process during Pre-Flight, we will do it after school has started. Keep in mind that students under 18 will need a parent to sign some of the forms, so a parent must be present.
High School Scholarship recipients and JROTC-100 Scholarship recipients need to be present for contracting on 23 August. Contracting will take place at the detachment from 1500-1700. This is a momentous occasion where these cadets will enlist into the inactive reserves. Parent's are highly encouraged to attend this event.
The overall plan is subject to change as we get closer and updates will be posted here and emailed to students who are registered for AFROTC courses.
Detachment 810 Orientation Guide
Detachment 810 Pre-Flight Welcome Packet Spring 2025
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Baylor University Air Force ROTC Detachment 810 welcomes you!